Note to self: Don't read Time Travel Kitchen when hungry--I am now fully suffering...

Seriously, this looks/sounds amazing!

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Sorry, Alison! (And, thank you:) if I could send you some, I would!

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I know it, Jolene... and thank you!

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My thoughts exactly!

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Must see movie! Must make rum baba in Bundt pan (works for me!) Thank you, Jolene, for a delectable post! 😋

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Yes! Yes! You will love it, Annette! 😃

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One of my all time favorite movies!

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Me too, Kate!

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Yum yum 😋

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I watched that movie recently too. It was beautiful. The food that you made also looked amazing and delicious. I love your blog.

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Thank you so much, Judy! It really is a beautiful movie. ❤️

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oh rhum baba's I do love these, I haven't had one for ages. My mum used to make them in the 70's, nom, nom, nom xxx

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So good, Tracy! 😋

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Thanks so much for mentioning Dinner and a Movie, Jolene! I have had a flurry of lovely people signing up over the weekend and I'm so excited to get the ball rolling on Sunday 2nd April. Did you enjoy the Oscars? It was on TV from 1am this morning here in the UK so alas, I was in the land of nod. Two friends were there as seat fillers so if I had been watching I'd have been just as excited by the audience shots as by the actual ceremony. Jxx

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I’m so glad you’re seeing a flurry of activity, Jenny! Looking forward to April 2 ✨ We just had the screen actors guild awards, Oscars are coming up this Sunday! I’ve got twiglets, Brie and champagne at the ready! 😂❤️

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I thought it was this week! Oooh, maybe I will get the Twiglets in next Sunday and try and stay up!

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Yes! Now there’s time to get the twiglets and bake the Brie, Jenny! 😂❤️

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Oscars coming up this Sunday! :)

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I am a week ahead of myself!

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I saw the movie years ago, so many that all I remember is the quiet of it, the beautiful scenery, and the food. I need to watch it again or, better yet, read the story itself. Thanks for the trip back to this film and a chance to reconsider it now that I understand so much more about life and about cooking (although nowhere near enough).

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Watching it again now really was a different experience, Elizabeth. It is so quiet and beautiful, so much going on under the surface, I’ll be curious to hear what you think after watching it now.

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Hi Elizabeth Marro!

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Hi Leigh!

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This! I've had "watch babette's feast" AND "make baba au rhum" in my list for too long, but I should definitely tick them off asap. The baba looks 👌👌👌, I want to try Mimi Thorisson's recipe, have you tried it by any chance?

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No, but I love Mimi! I will look for it, thanks Sinù! ❤️

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A fabulous food adventure, yet again! Thank you, Jolene! 🧁

I remember Babette’s Feast. I was a teenager when it came out but I remember seeing it in the early 90s and I remember my mum seeing it at the movies. I love your recreation 💕 and I must see the film again.

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Thank you, Lisa! I hope you enjoy it again, I see something new every time I watch it!

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Alcohol may have been a factor in this recipe! I’ve been sober for some time now (trust me: the world truly is better off) so I’ll savor this cake vicariously through you all.

PS: Jenny’s newsletter is fabulous!

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Hi, Amie, I agree, Jenny’s work is great! Thanks for your candor and congratulations on your sobriety — this recipe looks good! https://amiraspantry.com/baba-cake-no-alcohol/

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Thanks a million! It’s now on my test list. Which is fast becoming a life-long project!

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I’ve never seen Babette’s Feast ~ crazy, I know, especially because it sounds right up my alley. It must be available somewhere. Your babà looks perfection, Jolene.

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Thanks, Domenica! I watched it last week on HBOMax, but I know it’s available elsewhere, too, I think you’ll love it.

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I have fond memories of that movie but they’re quite faded, so now I definitely must watch it again! And that cake--ooh la la! Looks like my kind of project. Thanks for another great post!🤗

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Thanks, Ruth, it was nice to watch it again, such a great movie!

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Love this movie! It’s also a great reminder that art takes many forms.

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Yes, Cindy, agreed!

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You have definitely made me want to see the movie again!

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Enjoy, Vicki, it’s so good!

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I want to read the story & see the movie! And then I’ll work myself up to making this cake! Such a delightful post! Thanks!

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Thank you, Jillian, I think you’ll love it!

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